Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Kangaroo Sanctuary 10/07/16

I slept surprisingly well considering I hated being underground. Our first stop this morning was a Kangaroo Sanctuary. The sanctuary rescued kangaroos that had been injured in fights or road accidents and helped them to be released back into the wild.

They were really friendly and came right up to us. We also got to see a baby joey kangaroo called Fergal. Some tourists had found him on the side of the road so brought him in. He was so young he couldn’t stand up yet and had to be bottle fed every 4 hours. Super cute!

Whilst I was there I bought a gorgeous print of Uluru. Another ridiculous item that I will need to carry in my suitcase!

Most of the day was spend driving as we tried to get to the South Coast. We stopped at a few roadhouses on the way including one in a town called Hawka.

We got to Port Augusta it seemed really strange to be back in an area with an actual town. We had been used to really tiny places in the dessert with red dirt everywhere for the previous two weeks. It made a change to see ocean for the first time since Darwin.

 We spent around 45 minutes in Port Augusta before heading to Quorn, which was again back to being in the middle of nowhere. I shared a room with Kate and Kayla. We had dinner there, and after quite a long phone call home, I went to bed.

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