Sunday, 14 August 2016

Canberra War Memorial 26/07/16

As soon as we got off the bus in Canberra City we managed to get on another one that took us straight to the War Memorial. When we got there, we wandered around the grounds, which had loads of tanks, sculptures and canons.

We then went into the main memorial. There was a service going in in memory of an RAF pilot who had died in the Second World War. We watched that and then explored the building.

 We didn’t have too much time as they were closing but we got to see a beautiful poppy wall.

On our walk back to the bus stop we saw some wild kangaroos which was cool. We got the bus back to the city, went to Aldi to get some more food for dinner, and went back to the YHA hostel.

We had dinner, and then went and hung out in the hostel lounge. I caught up on blogging then chatted with mum and Kath. I also managed to speak to Jayne, which was a nice surprise. I had felt a bit homesick the last couple of days so talking to everyone definitely helped.

Taylor left around 10.30 as she was getting an overnight bus to Melbourne. I went back to my room around 11, showered and then got ready for bed. When I got to the room, I met an English girl called Amy from Folkestone. We were whispering to each other as we were trying to sort our stuff in the dark, and then a random woman from one of the top bunks started shouting at us. She seemed completely crazy so we were trying not to laugh. After that we went straight to bed. 

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