Sunday, 21 August 2016

Surf Camp Day 3 & Mexican Fiesta 03/08/16

As much as I was loving surfing, I was a little relieved that today was my last day. I was exhausted and aching and the weather was freezing! It’s definitely an activity I would do in the summer if I ever surfed again! I was tempted to extend, but I think I would have really struggled for another 2 days.

It was easier to put the wet suit on knowing it was for the last time, although it was still freezing. Hose and Luke decided to run the lesson from the surf camp, before we put our wet suits on, so we could stay in the warm for longer, which was really appreciated!

Even less people decided to come out this morning which was good for me as it meant more time with the instructors. When we got to the beach we did our surf check and headed straight in the water.

The waves were absolutely huge and way bigger than any of the other days. They were easily 6 foot high and going straight over my head, which at one point was quite scary when they came one after the other and I was getting pushed under the water.

The current was also really strong so it took a lot of effort to actually get out to the waves. As soon as the small ones came in it was pulling you back towards the beach. It was really tiring. A lot of people went in early but as this was my last session, I wanted to surf for as long as possible.

Luke helped me out loads in the session, and so I managed to catch a couple of really big waves :D As it was my last time in the water, they took loads of photos for me which was good!

I was really disappointed when it was time to get the last wave. Luckily, I managed to stand up and almost ride in all the way to the beach. I had to shower and get ready so that after lunch I could head back to Sydney.

Out of 25, only 3 of us were doing the 3 day option. Luke drove Amanda, another German girl and me to the train station in Gerroa, for us to head back to Sydney. One of the really cool things about the trains here is that they are double deckers. We managed to get seats together although we were so tired we were asleep for most of the journey.

The others were heading to central Sydney, but I got off a stop early in Redfern to meet James from work. He picked me up and dropped me back at the apartment. James had to go back to work for a couple of hours so I hung out and did some blogging.

When James got back, we went to a local shopping centre as I had a couple of things I needed to pick up from Kmart. We looked at small suitcases that could be used as cabin baggage, as I was sick of carrying around so many bags. There weren’t many good ones, so James said I could have his old one that he didn’t use anymore, which was great for me!

We then went back to the apartment to pick up Alex, and headed to Surrey Hills for dinner. We went to a Mexican restaurant called El Loco, which did really great food! James got us a jug of margarita which was also really nice.

We had dinner and then went home. I was so exhausted after surfing I went straight to bed. 

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